
Advertise on "Minimum Competence" podcast and newsletter to reach our discerning audience of tech-savvy attorneys and legal professionals. In addition to a mention in the podcast and in our Substack newsletter, we will make a post on esq.social Mastodon instance to expand your reach.

Our standard sponsorship packages include:

  • A sponsored post in the newsletter with a description of the product, an image, and the option to include an embedded video coupled with a review of the product, if applicable.

  • A banner image and link in the newsletter for the entire week.

  • A mid-roll spot during the podcast episode, a mention at the beginning of the episode, and a thank you at the conclusion of the episode.

  • A link to your website in the episode's show notes on the podcast's website and in the newsletter.

In addition, we are open to suggestions for in-depth “Maximum Minimum Competence” episodes and appurtenant sponsorships. For instance, if your firm handles Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) compliance and would like to sponsor an episode on the TCPA, that seems like a natural fit.

Please contact us for more details about rates and availability. We look forward to working with you to create an advertisement that is unintrusive to our audience and drives your brand recognition and engagement in the space.

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